Lekciju un semināru sērija "Three Uses of the Knife" Viļņā Artnews.lt, Nacionālā mākslas galerija un Laikmetīgās mākslas centrs (CAC) Viļņā piedāvā trešo ikgadējo lekciju un semināru sēriju "Three Uses of the Knife".
Contemporary (sometimes still known as visual) art is witnessing a growing number of artists who use lectures, discussions, monologues, reading, acting, karaoke, forms of alternative education, variety shows, or simply voice, in their practices. Art critic and curator Dieter Roelstraete has called this phenomenon a „narrative turn“. Three Uses of the Knife series dedicates three November Fridays (November 4, 11 and 18) to the meetings with four practitioners and connoisseurs of such work.
The four meetings will take place in the Auditorium of the National Gallery (NDG, Konstitucijos Ave. 22), the Gothic Hall of the Vilnius Academy of Arts (VDA, Maironio Str. 6) and the Memorial apartment-museum of Vincas Mylokaitis-Putinas (Tauro Str. 10-3):
4 November at 5 PM, NDG Auditorium
Heidi Ballet. Oral Culture. Presenting the performance series organised by Jan Mot gallery in Brussels
11 November at 5 PM, VDA Gothic Hall
Luca Cerizza. The Art of Storytelling, the Story(telling) of Art
11 November at 7.30 PM, Memorial apartment-museum of Vincas Mylokaitis-Putinas
Alex Cecchetti. At Night Bad Words Cannot Be Seen. A conference in the form of 3 performances
18 November at 5 PM, NDG Auditorium
Liam Gillick. Video conference
Olof Olsson. On Three Things
About the first meeting:
Heidi Ballet is a young curator who lives in Brussels. She has been working at Jan Mot Gallery in Brussels since 2008 and is part of the curatorial collective Komplot since 2007. In August 2011, she curated a show at Jan Mot titled The Encounter which proposed a closer and more transparent relationship between curator, visitor and artist and included works of Nina Beier, Jiri Kovanda, Karin Schneider, Francisco Camacho, Tino Sehgal and Yoko Ono.
This lecture takes Oral Culture as a basis. This was a series of orally based performances that took place at Jan Mot gallery in 2008–2009 and included performances by Robert Barry, Jonathan Monk and Tris Vonna-Michell, among others. Samples from this series will be joined together with an open exercise on the issue of oral language versus written language, cases of translatability and linguistics.
All presentations will be delivered in English.
Sponsors: Lithuanian Culture Support Foundation, Embassy of Belgium in Warsaw, Tulips&Roses gallery.
Please find more information in the attachment and online at www.cac.lt or the project’s website, www.3-uses-of-the-knife.lt