Starptautiskais simpozijs "Common Differences: Issues for Feminist Curating in Post-Socialist Europe" Tallinā
Katrin Kivimaa
Common Differences: Issues for Feminist Curating in Post-Socialist Europe focuses on the history and present situation of feminist curatorial practices in Eastern and Central Europe. In the so-called former East, the emergence of feminist art, curating and criticism is related to wider transformations in art and the social sphere during the post-socialist transition.
Accounts of the feminist curatorial projects and 'gender turn' in visual art, which began in the early 1990s, have often emphasised national or regional differences. The aim of establishing a common, transnational platform for feminist curating, art criticism and theory in Eastern Europe has become apparent only recently in projects such as Gender Check (2009-10). The symposium Common Differences recognises that the formation and development of feminist curatorial practices in post-socialist countries has been also shaped by a shared political and art-historical past that continues to have ramifications for the present.

Despite local variations in degree, feminist curators, thinkers and artists in all former state-socialist countries have had to deal with marginalisation, indifference and lack of support for both their work and the social ideals they advance. The recent wave of feminist exhibitions in major North American and Western European art institutions has so far been without parallel in Eastern Europe. Have feminist ideas had so little impact on curatorial and museum work in the region? Do the local social, economic and political factors provide an un/favourable context for advancing the critical, emancipatory and interventionist politics of feminist curating? Or perhaps such conditions offer a challenge that has the potential to inspire? How, why and when is feminist curating possible, necessary and effective? In which ways have the agendas feminist curatorship been transfigured by other contemporary critical positions (e.g. critique of neoliberalism, queer curating)?

Keynote speaker: Bojana Pejic

Presenters: Angela Dimitrikaki, Katrin Kivimaa, Katja Kobolt, Izabela Kowalczyk, Laima Kreivyte, Pawel Leszkowicz, Rebeka Põldsam, Mara Traumane, Mare Tralla, Airi Triisberg, Eva Ursprung, Reet Varblane.

Convenor: Katrin Kivimaa

Location: Estonian Academy of Arts, Fine Art Building/Rüütelkonna hoone, rooms 201 and 202


All practical questions regarding the event should be addressed to Karin Nugis
Mercy Lambo [ 01:04 22.01.2020. slimcolvin [at] ]
AK MANS DIEVS!! Tas noteikti ir šokējoši un patiesa liecība. Es 2019. gada 20. JŪNIJA apmeklēju forumu šeit, internetā, un es redzēju brīnišķīgu liecību par to, kas iepriekš dzirdēts, un neko par maģiju neko nezināju .. Neviena dvēsele nebūtu spējusi ietekmēt mani par burvju burvestībām, tikai līdz brīdim, kad Dr.Wealthy to izdarīja manis labā un atjaunoja manis 8 gadus ilgušo laulību un atnesa man savu dzīvesbiedru atpakaļ tajās pašās 24 stundās, tāpat kā es lasīju internetā biju patiesi patiess izbrīnīts un satriekts, kad mans vīrs nometās ceļos, lūdzot piedošanu un lai es viņu pieņemtu atpakaļ. Man tiešām trūkst izteikumu, un es nezinu, cik daudz jums izteikt atzinību. Dr.Wealthy, jūs esat Dievs, kurš sūtīts man un manai visai ģimenei jums arī nepieciešama palīdzība, vienkārši nosūtiet viņam e-pastu uz vai zvaniet uz viņa numuru +2348105150446
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