Media Facades Festival Europe 2010 Susa Pop, Public Art Lab 27.08.2010 - 02.10.2010
From 27 August to 12 September 2010, seven European cities will be connected through the medium of urban screens and media facades. Project initiated by Public Art Lab.
Graffity Ananlysis by Evan Roth, Media Facades Festival Europe 2010. Photocredits: Ruthe Zuntz
MEDIA FACADES FESTIVAL EUROPE 2010 (MFF 2010) is a pilot project for artists and media designers. It will employ the networked urban screens infrastructures in 'Joint Broadcasting Events' throughout Europe for transnational circulation of artistic and cultural exchange.
A project initiated by Public Art Lab Berlin, in cooperation with Ars Electronica Futurelab / Linz, FACT / Liverpool, iMAL / Brussels, m-cult / Helsinki, Medialab-Prado / Madrid and Kitchen Budapest.
The Media Facades Festival series reflects the worldwide increasing presence of massive infrastructures with digital visual elements in urban public space. As a counter movement against the primary commercial use of urban screens and media facades, the festival focuses on content in the context of the reinvention of public sphere based on a wellbalanced mix of functions. Representing the idea of the resident as an active citizen instead of a well-behaved consumer, it zooms into the cultural and participatory potential of digital moving images as a new urban communication format. Let's reclaim the Screens - as a format for the creation and exchange of culture, strengthening local creative economies, and providing local identity! Let's create Vision Panels between the virtual and real public spaces based on new cooperation models between sociopolitical, cultural, architecturally aesthetic and economic interests.
Susa Pop, artistic director of MFF Europe 2010 about the Media Facades Festival: 'It aims to provide a lasting impact for the development of new media in public space and present this new infrastructure to a young arts scene.'