Rezidences "331 Arts Chiyoda" Japānā Emma Ota, 3331 Arts Chiyoda '3331 Arts Chiyoda' - an alternative art space for the 21st Century, set in the corner of Akihabara, designed to 'generate a new vision of art'. Grand Opening 26th June 2010. 3331 Presents TOKYO: Part1' 26 June – 25 July 2010 Residency Applications Deadline: 18th June 2010 & 19th November 2010.
3331 offers a new model for a creative hub which builds a unique platform for cross-disciplinary, cross-community and cross-regional exchange. Based on the site of a former junior high school, this renovated 4 storey building, with its original character, plays host to an exciting range of events, exhibitions, community facilities, creative organizations and artistic practitioners. 3331 creates a space in which people of many different backgrounds and experiences can come together to explore, learn and create, with support including an artist in residence program and open arts schooling program. 3331 is realizing a new arts network for Tokyo, Japan and East Asia.
As of 26th June 2010 3331 Arts Chiyoda is celebrating its grand opening, launching a range of new features including café, lounge, rooftop allotments and archive, in addition to its galleries and office spaces. We welcome you to come and join us as 3331 becomes fully in service!
Grand Opening Celebration Exhibition
'3331 Presents TOKYO: Part 1'
A 'new culture' is dawning on Tokyo. Through its network of people and communities a new expression is being born from 3331.
'3331 Presents TOKYO: Part1' portrays the multitude of expressions which Tokyo gives life to, as selected by the creative individuals/organizations based at 3331.
Dates: 26 June (Saturday) – 25 July (Sunday) 2010
Opening Hours:Sunday-Thursday 12:00-19:00 Friday/Saturday 12:00-20:00 (as well as public holidays)
Closed on:Monday
※Please note that when national holidays fall on a Monday the exhibition will be open and will close instead on the next Tuesday.
Venue:3331 Arts Chiyoda 1F Gallery
Admission: 800円、Student 500円
※Those of junior high school age and below may enter free of charge.
※ Admission is free of charge for those with disabilities and 1 attendant.
Opening Party : June 26, 2010, 18:00-21:00
Venue: 1F Community Space 1
Organizer: 3331 Arts Chiyoda
3331 Artist and Residency Program
3331 Arts Chiyoda is launching a new residency program open to artists, curators and creative practitioners internationally. With a full range of facilities including accommodation, studio and gallery, creative practitioners have the exceptional opportunity to extend their artistic engagement in the heart of Tokyo. Not only will artists be able to pursue their own individual research and practice, but they will be connected to the extensive network of Tokyo's art scene through the hub that is 3331. With the energy of the electronics and anime haven of Akihabara right at one's doorstep and the traditional cultures of downtown but a stone's throw away artists will be able to experience all aspects of this kaleidoscopic city from this convenient base. Artists are not only able to spend time in Tokyo, but are able to create work onsite and then finally exhibit what they have developed during their stay, in the distinct setting of 3331 Arts Chiyoda.
We are pleased to be able to offer these facilities to artists who can contribute to the diverse creative expressions of this cosmopolitan metropolis and engage its inhabitants in new ways.
We particularly encourage applications from galleries, museums, universities, arts organizations and funding bodies who are able to recommend and support a number of artists to join this program.
We also welcome approaches from artists who are able to secure their own sources of funding. We recommend that artists consider applying in groups of 2-5 in order to reduce the financial responsibility of the individual. Please note that 3331 is unable to offer financial support to artists in residence in this program.
The facilities are ideal to be shared between a group of 3 artists, and can accommodate a maximum of 5 artists if so required. The overall fee for accommodation and other facilities is set and is not affected by the number of people in residence.
We are now calling for applications for residence program.
In order to apply for this program please download the application form from the website and send it with the relevant supporting material (outlined in this form) to
There are two dealines for applications.
For those wishing to use the residency facilities between July-December 2010 please apply by 18th June 2010.
For those wishing to use the residency facilities between January-June 2011 please apply by 19th November 2010.
If you have any queries please contact Emma Ota at +81(0)3-6803-2441
Mercy Lambo [ 01:03 22.01.2020. slimcolvin [at] ] AK MANS DIEVS!! Tas noteikti ir šokējoši un patiesa liecība. Es 2019. gada 20. JŪNIJA apmeklēju forumu šeit, internetā, un es redzēju brīnišķīgu liecību par to, kas iepriekš dzirdēts, un neko par maģiju neko nezināju .. Neviena dvēsele nebūtu spējusi ietekmēt mani par burvju burvestībām, tikai līdz brīdim, kad Dr.Wealthy to izdarīja manis labā un atjaunoja manis 8 gadus ilgušo laulību un atnesa man savu dzīvesbiedru atpakaļ tajās pašās 24 stundās, tāpat kā es lasīju internetā biju patiesi patiess izbrīnīts un satriekts, kad mans vīrs nometās ceļos, lūdzot piedošanu un lai es viņu pieņemtu atpakaļ. Man tiešām trūkst izteikumu, un es nezinu, cik daudz jums izteikt atzinību. Dr.Wealthy, jūs esat Dievs, kurš sūtīts man un manai visai ģimenei jums arī nepieciešama palīdzība, vienkārši nosūtiet viņam e-pastu uz vai zvaniet uz viņa numuru +2348105150446